ACC H (Accelerator PH)
Application rate Up to 4% by mass based on the binder Property profile ■ Easy dosing ■ Solvent-free ■ Accelerates full hardening Characteristic data of the product The values stated represent typical characteristic data of the product and are not to be understood as binding product specifications. Density (20°C) 0.97 g/cm³ Possible system products Epoxy ST 100 (1160) Epoxy OS Color (6980) Epoxy Flex PH (6250) Production of the mixture Apply the accelerated system filled or unfilled (degree of filling max. 1:1 parts by weight). The maximum degree of filling depends on the amount of accelerator and the ambient temperature. Set up a trial surface if necessary. Mixing Add the accelerator to the hardener component. Then work the binder according to the Technical Data Sheet. ■ Directions For professional users only! As a general principle, higher temperatures will reduce and lower temperatures will increase the times stated.